Active RFPs:
Covenant Health Foundation (CHF) seeks the services of a professional copywriter to draft a variety of donor communications to be disseminated across multiple channels, including print, web, and social media. We are seeking a professional with experience in the philanthropic sector and who is aware of sector best practices.
Download the full RFP Request:
Covenant RFP Philanthropy Writer
Supporting Documents
MIL Fall Appeal
MIL Fall Reply
SML_Fall Appeal
SML_Fall Appeal_reply
SJN_Fall Appeal
SJN_Fall Appeal_reply
SJB_Fall Appeal
SJB_Fall Appeal_reply
Timeline and Protocol
*Upon completion of initial review of proposals, selected vendors will be invited to participate in virtual interviews.
Selection Criteria
Any questions should be directed to both Susan Oldrid and Erin McKenney
Proposals must be provided no later than 5:00 pm on February 21, 2024, and be sent in PDF format to and
To learn more about Covenant Health and each of our facilities, visit
Note: We only include post-acute facilities identified as “members” in our fundraising efforts.