Have You Seen Your Doctor Lately?

Community Stories

Consistently practicing self-care can help you maintain your physical and mental health. It’s a fact that even small efforts to better care for yourself can help you lower your risk of illness, manage your stress level, boost your energy and maintain your relationships.

National Doctor’s Day is celebrated on March 30 across Maine and the country to express gratitude to skilled, compassionate doctors.

This year, St. Mary’s is celebrating the holiday by encouraging you to prioritize your commitment to self-care and overall health, which empowers doctors to better care of you. Do your best to follow these five tips:

  • Consistently practice healthy habits – hydrate, eat well and exercise daily
  • Schedule that check-up or specialty visit you’ve been putting off\
  • Keep up with your vaccinations
  • If you’re ill, stay home and wear a mask in public if you must go out
  • Listen to your doctor’s advice

Regular visits to doctors and specialists and developing relationships with them is a form of self-care. Doing so can help you stay healthy and manage chronic conditions.

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